Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Time To Wake Up.

You know it's funny. Everywhere you go, everywhere you look you see things that just aren't right. Seriously. Pay a little more attention and you might just become as outraged with the state of the world today as we are. It's not as if we haven't given the world a chance but our patience just ran out. Quite frankly we've had enough. It's time to put a stop to this by uncovering the evidence wherever we may find it, and bring it to you, so that we may all carry on safe in the knowledge that WE know something that THEY don't - even though THEY might not know it themselves. Actually, the fact that THEY don't know is what makes the whole thing work, because if THEY knew then THEY would be one of US, and if THEY all knew then there wouldn't be any THEY at all, it'd just be US, but then again THEY might know but wouldn't tell US because THEY like to think that THEY know something that WE don't...

Hold on tight. The ride could get bumpy...

1 comment:

Mart said...

Fuck yeah.