Being fond chefs here at OOS we were amazed to have our attention drawn to a form of segregation beginning to appear amongst the cooking community by a friend of ours (cheers Stryka). Signs such as this are springing up at more and more places across the world, farms seemingly the biggest culprit.
Quite why the hard working men and women of our farms would have a problem with this particular method of food preparation is, quite frankly, beyond us. Perhaps the bubbling of the boiling water has a tendency to spook the cattle, or maybe the vast amount of steam that is inevitably produced has been known to cause crops to wither and die. However neither of these seems to be a valid excuse to demonstrate such an open aversion to people who choose to cook their eggs and fish in this way.
Nevertheless, the message is clear, no matter how healthy poaching food may be, each and every one of us are left with dilemmas such as "I really fancy salmon tonight, but if I choose the healthier option of poaching rather than frying or grilling there's a chance I could be hunted down by some angry country dweller and shot in the face and / or spleen with his big farmers gun".
The pro-poaching brigade have taken a firm stance in the face of such hostility and even now poaching recipes are readily available from a variety of sources including books, magazines, newspapers and of course the internet. Jamie Oliver said "They'll have to catch me first", Ainsley Harriot gave us a resounding "B**locks to THAT!!" and Delia Smith almost went too far with her warcry of "They can shove that attitude of theirs right up their a***s", accompanied by a passionate two-fingered salute. Well at least that's what they might have said had we bothered to contact them, which we didn't. We just made that up.
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