Following up our story from the end of last week, prosecutions in the area of race hate have increased by 29% from last year, showing a distinct upturn in the numbers of people willing to risk it all to declare their disdain for the sort of events that have been the mainstay of athletics tournaments around the globe for many years.
Bertie Jiggs, a spokesman for PACRAP (Paedophiles Against Competitive Running And Politics) said “All we want is the freedom to express our disgust at the people that indulge in this sickness. Oh yes, it all starts off very innocently with your 100M sprints, but then they go and stick hurdles in the way and make the race 10 metres longer!! Then they really start to take liberties with things like the 1500M, I mean, what sick bastard thought that one up?!? As for the steeplechase – don’t even get me started on the steeplechase,” at which point he was led away by police.
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